How I rolled down a hill and was someone else at the bottom

Chris Birch & Isabelle Lyones

20-year-old Chris forgot everything following an accident. His old friends are suddenly all idiots, he is ashamed to death to be seen in his old clothes, and he gets nauseous as his mother tries to serve him his favorite food. The question of how this is to be explained takes a back seat to an even more important question: Who is he now? And what life should he live to be happy?

An incredible but true story, told brilliantly and with a good portion of humour.

[Ariadne-Buch] works with authors, publishers and film companies from across the world to create non-fiction and biographical bestsellers. Our offices are located at Baaderstraße 27, 80469 Munich, Germany. Founded in 1991 by Managing Director Christine Proske, the agency has since developed into a global professional network. To get in touch, please call +49 (0) 89 / 444 490 - 0 or email