Fern der Welt und doch mittendrin – Mein Leben als Eremit: Wegweisende Impulse für alle Lebenslagen
Bruder Otto Stahl & Daniel Oliver Bachman

A hermitage in the middle of the Black Forest, far away from the hustle and bustle of our time: Brother Otto is a modern hermit who has deliberately chosen silence and seclusion. Here he tells his eventful life as a former punk, Zen monk in a Japanese monastery and how he finally finds as a hermit what he has always been looking for: Peace, quiet and inner contemplation. Brother Otto is anything but detached from the world: As a monk and convinced philanthropist, his door is open to all. Pilgrims and people seeking advice knock on his door again and again. Brother Otto listens, has a surprising anecdote ready for every situation in life, and puts a smile on everyone's face - no matter how difficult the situation seems to be.
An inspiring companion who gives advice and orientation and gives confidence in life. With many exercises and small meditations to open up hidden sources of strength.
Brother Otto died on 25.09.2022, shortly after the completion of his book. His contagious optimism, his unshakable trust in God and his mischievous as well as profound humor live on in this book.
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- Fern der Welt und doch mittendrin – Mein Leben als Eremit
Bruder Otto Stahl & Daniel Oliver Bachman