Dein härtester Gegner bist du selbst: Wie mich das Leben lehrte, mich radikal selbst zu lieben
Andreas Renz & Mirko Kussin

The courage to face your feelings
With brutal training sessions and an indomitable will to win, professional ice hockey player Andreas Renz pushes himself to success. He makes it to captain of the German national team and record national player, is considered "unbreakable". Since his childhood, he has been driven by the fear of not being good enough. But behind the hard shell, Renz hides an inner emptiness that he also tries to fill with kicks off the field.
He only realizes how much he is on the run from himself when he has a serious training accident. Robbed of his professional prospects and caught in relationship chaos, he now has to take a closer look. In a painful process, he breaks free from his old convictions and is able to heal his emotional wounds. Andreas Renz tells of letting go and the power of feelings. His story shows how love for oneself can radically change one's life for the better. He is convinced: "If I, one of the former toughest guys in professional field hockey, the 'Iron Renz', could find an access to his feelings and into self-love, anyone can do it."
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- Dein härtester Gegner bist du selbst: Wie mich das Leben lehrte, mich radikal selbst zu lieben
Andreas Renz & Mirko Kussin