Lust for Home

Natalia Wörner

Natalia Wörner is 18 years old when she leaves her hometown in Swabia. She sets out to escape the confines of a small town. In Paris, Milan, New York and Berlin she makes a career as a model and actress. She shoots with internationally renowned directors, receives numerous awards and is described by Ken Follett as the most attractive woman he has ever encountered. What could possibly happen? Right: confronting oneself with the idea of home. You do, after all, need to know where you come from to know what direction the future should take. Now is the time: Natalia Wörner takes us with her on her personal coming home to the Swabian "Ländle", illustrated with previously unreleased private photographic material.

Press commentaries

  • "Lust for Home" has become a clever book: private childhood memories, historical events from the region, linked to current political issues." (SWR, Kunscht)
  • "Her personal story links her to historical excursions - and interesting comments and details about her hometown, which could even surprise some Stuttgart connoisseurs." (Stuttgarter Nachrichten)
  • "It is an exhilarating, positive, yet profound examination of one's own history and that of Swabia." (Roman Halfmann, hr-online)
  • "Her book is part autobiography, part filmography, part journey through the history of the country - readable and amazingly enigmatic." (Reutlinger General-Anzeiger)
  • "A clever book absolutely worth reading." (Peter Gerhardt, HR)

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