Windstärke 15: Wo die Freiheit wohnt – Mein Leben im Leuchtturm am Ende der Welt

Thomas Bickhardt, Mirko Kussin

Thomas Bickhardt was driven by a longing for Norway from an early age, until in his early 30s he realised his dream and leased a lighthouse in the rugged north, on a steep cliff surrounded by the North Sea. Here he is thrown back on himself, struggling with the elements, the job of lighthouse keeper, the failure of plans and the setbacks of everyday life. But in the daily confrontation with nature and its untamed power, he also gains a new perspective on himself. He lives a lifetime in his new home, marries, opens a hotel, has a lighthouse child with his wife, and sees his love fall apart again. At the end of 30 years in the stormiest house in Norway, he is strengthened by the knowledge that there is no standing still, that life and the sea are always changing, and that the next day always holds the chance to be completely different.

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