Das Geheimnis bewusster Mütter: Manifestiere deinen Traum von einem entspannten Familienleben
Susanne Dröber

The path to more joy, true serenity and deep love in the family
For many mothers, everyday life is characterised by stress and the feeling of being trapped in a hamster wheel. Unfortunately, this is generally considered the norm - and raising children is primarily described as an exhausting task. But if we change the narrative and our underlying beliefs, we can make the family a place of connection and love again. The key to this lies in our thoughts and our consciousness. Like everything else, family life is shaped by how we think about it. With the law of attraction and the power of manifesting, every mother can create a harmonious, peaceful and fulfilling family life - this book shows how. Get off the stressful hamster wheel and become the heroine of your most beautiful family vision!
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- Das Geheimnis bewusster Mütter: Manifestiere deinen Traum von einem entspannten Familienleben
Susanne Dröber