Tu was!: Kurze Anleitung zur Verteidigung der Demokratie
Ruprecht Polenz

Ruprecht Polenz has been speaking out against right-wing extremists and those who despise democracy for years because he believes his nine grandchildren should also be lucky enough to live in a democracy. He is one of the most experienced influencers in the service of freedom and diversity in Germany, and his dedicated social media posts are commented on thousands of times a day. In his short, uplifting book, he tells us: "It is no longer enough to take democracy for granted - do something to defend it!
Confidence in our democracy has been shaken. It is under pressure from internal and external enemies who are trying to pull the rug out from under it. Hundreds of thousands have understood this and have taken to the streets against far-right 'remigration plans'. This cannot be a flash in the pan. The stakes are high, because we owe it to democracy that we can live free and self-determined lives. To keep it that way, we need to take action: take part in the debate, vote, get involved. Do something! This is the slogan of Ruprecht Polenz, a non-partisan democracy activist. In his short intervention, he conveys the value of our form of government and society in a completely new way and describes more than a dozen concrete ways to get politically involved. The resilience of democracies starts at home. Polenz's book is an encouragement in dark times.
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- Tu was!: Kurze Anleitung zur Verteidigung der Demokratie
Ruprecht Polenz